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Principal's Message

Welcome to North Polk High School, the home of the Comets! 

It is my honor to serve as the Principal of NPHS! We are home to over 650 incredible students and a dedicated, passionate staff. Our staff truly believes that ALL students can learn at high levels and we strive to accomplish this on a daily basis. As a Professional Learning Community, our school is focused on student and teacher learning as well as building a safe and collaborative climate and culture. 

I am originally from Kimballton, Iowa and a graduate of Elk Horn-Kimballton High School. I earned my Bachelors degree in Social Studies Education from Wayne State College and my Masters in Educational Leadership from the University of South Dakota. Prior to becoming an administrator, I taught and coached at Guthrie Center, Bondurant-Farrar, and Carlisle. 

Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my wife Laura and our children Luke and Lucy. I also enjoy pheasant hunting and cheering for the Iowa Hawkeyes and Chicago Cubs.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time via email or

Go Comets! 

Mr. Seth Poldberg 

Contact Me

Poldberg Headshot

Mr. Seth Poldberg
NP High School