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DMACC On-Campus

Many students choose to enroll in a DMACC on-campus course. Students who wish to take a college course will need to register with the counselors in the fall and spring for the following semester. It is the students responsibility to watch the announcements and read emails for registration deadlines. ​Registrations will not be taken after the last day of school year​. Students will be required to attend a Dual-Credit 101 session and parents will sign an agreement outlining the expectations of a college level course. Dual-credit courses ​count​ towards the North Polk eligibility policies. All concurrent enrollment courses follow the same drop dates as a traditional North Polk course (first four days of semester one and first three days of semester two.)

Forms can be found in the school counseling office, please email or speak with your school counselor for these items. 

DMACC's Course Description Guide